Scoll download the page and choose the desktop environment you prefer. Manjaro Linux ISO? First, visite and click Try Manjaro at the home page to move forward to Download page. There are other releases, including GNOME, Deepin, Budgie, Tiling WMs. Manjaro has a disk images that is designed for Desktop Environments (DE). In one world, Manjaro has all the things you need to get started with Linux. So this is a tremendous benefit for those users who switch to Linux recently. Once Manjavor was installed, it can be used immediately without more configurations. What's more, Manjaro has a lot of applications preinstalled along with the OS so you don't need to take additional time to install those apps one by one. Overall, Manjaro provides a rolling release distribution to maintain the stability of the OS environment, which makes it a natural choice for those who want to dabble in Linux but don't have the experience to carry out advanced operations. Manjaro comes with its own repository, only1-2 weeks later than Arch's. It's basically designed from Arch Linux, so you will get a distro with the latest packages. Many of you are considering why Manjaro Linux is the best choice without choosing other variants.